Don’t Forget To Inspect Your Home in the Excitement!

Whether you’re thinking about selling or buying soon, there are many steps to consider for both sides. One important step of the home buying/selling process takes place at the home inspection.

For those who may not know, a home inspection is a complete overview of all major systems and components in a home and will then identify any items that could potentially be wrong. Most inspectors will also give insight and advice into safety issues that they see as well as repair and maintenance advice.  A full report can be completed in about two hours, but will leave you with a steady peace of mind.  For a buyer, it will give you an awareness of potential issues in your future home.  As a seller that wants to keep a happy buyer, this may add additional costs to your bottom line.

You may choose to have a professional licensed in asbestos, lead, chemicals, mold, mildew, or pests inspect the home, too, to notify you of any unknown dangers.  Overall, it’s a fairly simple phase, but one that can have very significant results, even ones that can terminate a sale.  Although this situation is possible, it is very unlikely to have such drastic results.

So what does a home inspection include?

Your home covers  the basics concerning:

    • walls
    • ceilings
    • floors
    • your roofs
    • firewalls
    • windows
    • your foundation and slab
    • electrical power
    • water supply and pressure
    • gas lines

Landscaping, walkways and driveways will also be evaluated.An inspector will note grading and drainage.  Any exposed general framing in beams, attics, roofing, HVAC and plumbing systems will be inspected, as well. Generally speaking the age and condition of roofing materials, plumbing and rain gutters will be noted, too, giving you an idea of your home’s maintenance history. Water heaters, fireplaces and the sprinkler systems, if applicable, should also be evaluated, as should appliances, alarms, and smoke detectors being left in the home to ensure a safe move-in.


If you have any questions we didn’t answer, please feel free to contact Mike McCann at [email protected].  We’d love to fill you in!

Moving? Know the value of your home …