Science After Hours

Science with a Twist, at the Franklin Institute

Normally, when we hear about the Franklin Institute, we think about kid-friendly attractions and family-fun. We don’t typically think of a great place to spend an evening with friends, sipping cocktails and getting into all sorts of zany fun.

Luckily, Franklin Institute’s special event, Science After Hours, offers just that. With several adult only (21+) evening events each month you can re-experience your favorite childhood destination in a whole new way. Each Science After Hours event features themed games, experiments and presentations. Oh, and did we mention that they have a cash bar at every event?!

The next event is happening Tuesday, March 10th, from 7-10 pm, and is a “Survivor” themed evening at the Franklin Institute. Because of the popularity of these events (last months was sold out!) it is recommended to purchase your ticket in advance.

Check here for full detail and scheduling. ( See you there, Philly!

Written by Patrick Kaisinger (Mike McCann Team Blogger Extraordinaire)

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